CAM Library

"In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence."
- Deepak Chopra
Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)
CAM includes modality options from ancient cultures that have transcended time, as well as modern discoveries that are changing how we perceive and respond to wellness. The healing approaches offered today support the mind, the body, and the soul. They can help reduce symptoms, slow down the progression of ailments, and improve quality of life. In some instances, they can provide miraculous healing results.
Explore the options available and take your wellness into your own hands with self-empowered healing. Modality methods include: the Mind, Body, Senses, Diet and Herbs, Energy Healing, Nature's Healing, Whole Medical Systems, Spiritual, and Galactic.

New Earth
© 2021 Shelly Hoekstra, Holistic Healing